Tuesday, July 24, 2012

BATMAN! duh-duh-duh-duh-duh BATMAN!

   Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard, could The Dark Knight Rises have been better cast? I think not! The entire movie was absolutely fan-freak'in tastic.  Even the ending is satisfying. For those depressing few that disagree and think he should have died, consider introducing ecstasy into your life because you may need something more drastic than anti-depressants.
   This is not a dissappointing sequel. The Dark Knight movies have never dissappointed. Every detail is astounding. The simple assoication with Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robin is astounding. Anne Hathaway completely channelling catwomen's persona is astounding. I loved it, I recomment it, I plan to see it again.

.....As a sidenote the Man of Steel preview that premiere's in The Dark Knight Rises screenings is absolutely exhilarating! Maybe I'm just too much of a Clark Kent fan and exaggerating to those not as thoroughly impressed. Personally, I'd like to believe Superman's out there in some diminsion overpowering Lex Luther once again. I'm also terribly excited to see what Henry Cavill, previously dubbed the "unluckiest man in hollywood" for losing out on big roles,  does with my beloved superhero.


Monday, July 16, 2012

It has Risen!

   Moonrise Kingdom was absolutely fantastic. This film has an artistic quality that many box-office films lack today. The deliberate symmetry, the quick delivery of lines, and the close attention to scenery and detail make this story so much more than visually appealing. Funny, heartfelt, this love story hits home. Not everyone, in fact most people, don't fall in love at twelve years old, but if we did one can only hope its as earnest as these two kids. Everyone at every age should fall in love like those two kids; at first sight, whole heartedly, and willing to fight for it.
   I loved this movie. I highly recommend it (I've been telling everyone I know about it). There's everything right with it. Oh, and its funny too. If you don't walk out of the theater with a smile on your face from laughing fantastic amounts, you may want to locate your soul. This film is a sure Oscar contender, so watch it, then watch it win some little golden men!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stone Cold

   Oliver Stone's newly out movie Savages was somewhat comical, hopefully he was aiming at that trait for some of the scenes. The ending especially called for a huff of repressed laughter. The first ending would have been satisfactory, it had a Romeo and Juliet feel to it, but the second ending was almost too much of a happily ever-after for such a supposedly cruel and passionate movie. The gore was reminiscent of Man on Fire, the flashes of black of white scenes recalled Kill Bill, and the harmonious love triangle is not a new idea to the silver screen. There's less originality in this movie than the makers would have the audience believe. Even the movie poster, vertical title with a different scene or character horizontally placed at each letter, has been seen before for the movie Havoc.
   There was a try at some deeper meaning in the movie, but it was lost in Blake Lively's voice-over narration and the multiple Starbucks product placements. Whoever wrote the line "war-gasm" for Lively to say, seriously should have reconsidered. The storyline had so much potential. Had the script been tweaked just a bit and had a more solid tone I truly believe Savages could have had a fighting chance. Seeing as it didn't though, better luck next time.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

In Amazement!

   The Amazing Spiderman was in fact amazing. The movie looked true to the comic book. Though many avid comic book readers are disappointed Gwen Stacy lived, you can't blame Hollywood for wanting some romantic tension to continue into the sequel (due out in 2014). Andrew Garfield was spectacular, snaps to him for owning the character and really showing how f-ing cool it would be to have any kind of super-human powers.
   Usually I'm a DC fan, but with this Spiderman movie, and the Avengers movie that blew everything else out of the water earlier this summer, I might just have to cheat on my beloved DC superheroes for the chance to really embrace this Marvel Madness.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tatum Takes the Stage

   Like every other female with access to a movie theater, I recently saw the movie Magic Mike. Thank Hollywood for someone finally pitching the idea of a movie about male strippers. Ladies we're move'n on up! At last a movie that targets what women want (and its generally not Mel Gibson). Rom-Com's are all good and fun, but usually there's that longing for something, something's always missing, who knew the "something missing" was Channing Tatum's bare backside and multiple men thrusting on a stage in unison.
   Surprisingly, Magic Mike does come with a serious side, it touches on what I'm guessing a lot of people are struggling with now: chase your dreams? or fill your wallet? The new guy on the stage, known as "the Kid" decides to live in the moment, while Magic Mike eventually turns to pursuing his dream and the girl.
   There are two girls, one we see in the beginning of the movie that represents the go-along lifestyle associated with stripping, and another, a pretty conscientious blonde, that represents the lifestyle that would ensue with him following his dream.
   The bare-butt basics are this, its a good-ass movie with some substance to make things a little more wholesome.
   Beginner blogger. Long time film lover. Everything about the movies, watching them, analyzing them, the lights, camera angles, the action! Whats not to love. Being the shitty writer that I am, my most logical thought was "hey lemme blog about it!" If I end up offending any more expert bloggers, my apologies, twas not my intention.
   I  love movies. Moving stories for ones eyes, ears, and whatever range of emotions one possesses. My goal here is to write what certain movies mean to me... here I go!