Monday, July 16, 2012

It has Risen!

   Moonrise Kingdom was absolutely fantastic. This film has an artistic quality that many box-office films lack today. The deliberate symmetry, the quick delivery of lines, and the close attention to scenery and detail make this story so much more than visually appealing. Funny, heartfelt, this love story hits home. Not everyone, in fact most people, don't fall in love at twelve years old, but if we did one can only hope its as earnest as these two kids. Everyone at every age should fall in love like those two kids; at first sight, whole heartedly, and willing to fight for it.
   I loved this movie. I highly recommend it (I've been telling everyone I know about it). There's everything right with it. Oh, and its funny too. If you don't walk out of the theater with a smile on your face from laughing fantastic amounts, you may want to locate your soul. This film is a sure Oscar contender, so watch it, then watch it win some little golden men!

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